I have created an Application Enhancer module (aka haxie) that taps into Halo Mac Edition to provide limited joystick support, I call it 'Game Pad Hack'. It is now possible to use the Xbox controller in Halo! Halo version 1.5 supports gamepads! The full source code for other components is licensed under the GPL. The driver can be extended to support additional Xbox devices, including wheels, IR receivers, headsets, and memory units. The source code to the kernel extension component is included, and is subject to the Apple Public Source License (APSL). The full source code is accessible via CVS. You can use the Xbox HID Driver as long as you want, it is now freeware and totally unlimited. Games that do not support joysticks can use Xbox devices through additional software such as GamePad Companion. It installs a HID (Human Interface Device) kernel extension and works at a low-level so any game that supports joysticks can use it. This software enables the Xbox USB gamepad, DVD remote, and other Xbox devices on Mac OS X.